Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice | Galactic Toys & Collectibles
Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice | Galactic Toys & Collectibles

Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice

SKU: 735203628149
$ 5.95
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Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice | Galactic Toys & Collectibles

Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice

$ 9.95 $ 5.95

Galactic Dice Acrylic HD Dice Sets - The Chaos (White & Red Font) Set of 7 Dice

$ 9.95 $ 5.95

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Just bought these today

I love the intricate Red Riding and makes it seem like you're really rolling in the medieval way very smooth texture and I will be buying another set soon